Monday, July 26, 2010

Stairway to the Moon Broome

On Sunday we went to the Mangrove Hotel on Roebuck Bay to see whether it was going to be a good place to watch the Stairway to the Moon on Monday Night. Di and I had a great Snapper and Chips and Salad lunch and Di got at least 50 "midgee bites" so she has ended up today spraying and putting cream on. She looks a sight believe me!! However at 5.49pm tonight we witnessed a breathtaking phenomenon. The Stairway to the Moon! This occurrence is caused by the rising of a full moon reflecting off the exposed mud flats at extremely low tide, creating the beautiful optical illusion of stairs reaching to the moon!!
The sunset at 5.34pm and the moon rose at 5.49pm as you can see below. It was simply a wonderful moment and lasted for about 30 mins. The photo below does not show the staircase but it was a magnificent sight believe me!!

1 comment:

  1. All sounds wonderful. Have 3 groups of friends who were at the "stairway" on weekend. Keep travelling safe
